Source code for bcp.core

This is the core module of the library, containing the primary interface over the functionality of bcp. Along with its
dependencies on Connection and DataFile, it serves as the entry point to the library. Simply create a Connection, pass
it in to the BCP object, and then use load() or dump() to read data into and out of a database. See the methods below
for examples.
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from .exceptions import DriverNotSupportedException
from .dialects import mssql

    from .connections import Connection
    from .files import DataFile

[docs]class BCP: """ This is the interface over dialect-specific classes that provides generic methods to load/dump data to/from a database. Args: connection: a Connection object that contains authorization details and database details Example: .. code-block:: python import bcp conn = bcp.Connection('host', 'mssql', 'username', 'password') my_bcp = bcp.BCP(conn) """ def __init__(self, connection: 'Connection'): self.connection = connection
[docs] def load(self, input_file: 'DataFile', table: str): """ This method provides an interface to the lower level dialect-specific BCP load classes Args: input_file: the file to be loaded into the database table: the table in which to land the data Example: .. code-block:: python import bcp conn = bcp.Connection(host='HOST', driver='mssql', username='USER', password='PASSWORD') my_bcp = bcp.BCP(conn) file = bcp.DataFile(file_path='path/to/file.csv', delimiter=',') my_bcp.load(input_file=file, table='table_name') """ if self.connection.driver == 'mssql': load = mssql.MSSQLLoad(self.connection, input_file, table) else: raise DriverNotSupportedException load.execute()
[docs] def dump(self, query: str, output_file: 'DataFile'): """ This method provides an interface to the lower level dialect-specific BCP dump classes. Args: query: the query whose results should be saved off to a file output_file: the file to which the data should be saved, if no file is provided, one will be created in the BCP_DATA_DIR Example: .. code-block:: python import bcp conn = bcp.Connection(host='HOST', driver='mssql', username='USER', password='PASSWORD') my_bcp = bcp.BCP(conn) file = bcp.DataFile(file_path='path/to/file.csv', delimiter=',') my_bcp.dump(query='select * from sys.tables', output_file=file) """ if self.connection.driver == 'mssql': dump = mssql.MSSQLDump(self.connection, query, output_file) else: raise DriverNotSupportedException dump.execute()
def __repr__(self): return f'BCP(connection={repr(self.connection)})'